Monday, April 19, 2010

4-Ton Sculpture Missing From Utah Shop is Found

January 7, 2010 by All Art  
Filed under Art Crime & Legal, Featured

LINDON, UT.- The mystery of a missing 4-ton sculpture outside a Utah motorcycle shop has been solved.

It disappeared over the weekend and apparently the artwork’s sculptor took it back.

The attorney for Springville sculptor Jeffrey Decker says Decker owns the statue and was legally entitled to remove it.

Timpanogos Harley Davidson store in Lindon Utah 585x391 4 Ton Sculpture Missing From Utah Shop is Found
A $100,000 sculpture — which depicts an old-time speed racing motorcycle — was erected two years ago outside the Timpanogos Harley-Davidson store in Lindon, Utah. Police say thieves must’ve used heavy equipment to make off with a 4-ton statue mounted outside a Lindon motorcycle shop

Lawyer Randall Spencer said in a statement Tuesday that a loan agreement makes it clear that the sculpture was on loan to Timpanogos Harley-Davidson.

The $100,000 sculpture depicts an old-time speed racer. It was erected two years ago at the store in Lindon.

Employees who showed up for work Saturday found that the statue and the granite block it was mounted on were gone.


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