Thursday, March 11, 2010

Air Sculptures, the Grid, Space, and Beyond-New Los Angeles Gallery Presents Daring New Work

March 8, 2010 by All Art  
Filed under Art Events & Exhibitions, Featured

LOS ANGELES CA.- One thing is clear to all who step into Muzeumm, a new art gallery that opened in October 2009 in L.A.’s West Adams district: I’ve stepped into another world.

That’s the type of reaction this daring new art space generates with its newest exhibition of work, Introspective by artist Tilghman Branner, opening March 6, 2010. Muzeumm Founder/Director Mishelle Moross explains; “Tilghman’s work takes the familiar and turns it into something exotic. It’s alive and bold while inducing child-like inquisitiveness. This body of work beautifully executes the visual parallels between micro-organisms and outer-space to reveal a stimulating relationship that human beings shouldn’t live without.”

Muzeumm is a daring new art gallery that opened in October 2009 580x388 Air Sculptures, the Grid, Space, and Beyond New Los Angeles Gallery Presents Daring New Work

Muzeumm is a daring new art gallery that opened in October 2009

In Introspective, Tilghman Branner’s mixed-media work is up to the task. Branner begins with, in the artist’s own words, “light and shapes and form and weight…and absence of weight”. Her paintings play out as hyper real snapshots of camouflage in nature, while the sedated fuzz of Branner’s TV set sculpture transforms space junk into another refraction of light, sound and shape. A series of incredibly dense bronze castings establish a point of reference for the show’s featherweight, paper and gauze air-sculptures.

Central to all of the work in Introspective are two themes: first, is the concept of a grid – be it spiritual, spatial or technological – that binds all things; and second, is a vessel-like formal structure that Branner asserts one encounters repeatedly, “in outer space, under a microscope, in spores—forming and dropping and reforming.” These themes interplay with one another throughout the work in the show, mapping out an unmistakable internal grid of their very own.

Muzeumm is a daring new art gallery that opened in October 2009, in the West Adams neighborhood of Los Angeles, a burgeoning creative enclave located directly between the gallery districts of downtown and Culver City. Since its opening, Muzeumm has shown work by contemporary artists Tilghman Branner, Bianka Kovar, Peter Liashkov, Elena Moross, Pierre Picot, and Sergei Tivetsky.

Muzeumm Founder and Director Mishelle Moross – whose mother is a St. Petersburg born artist, and whose father was a Motown recording artist with the Soviet dissident band Black Russian – guides this innovative space. Muzeumm shares its facility with Aleksei Tivetsky, the founder of the West coast’s most sought-after art restoration and conservation studio.

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