Tuesday, October 30th, 2012

“Gauguin Maker of Myth” Sheds New Light on Artist and Career at National Gallery of Ar

February 28, 2011 by  
Filed under Art Events & Exhibitions, Featured

WASHINGTON, DC.- Paul Gauguin’s (1848–1903) sumptuous, colorful images of Brittany and the islands of the South Seas, some of the most beloved in modern art, are among 100 works by the artist in the first major exhibition of his career in the United States in some 20 years. On view from February 27 through June 5, 2011, at the National Gallery of Art, Washington—the sole U.S. venue—the exhibition Gauguin: Maker of Myth, along with its accompanying catalogue, examines the role that [...]

Reacquisition of “The Sower” by Constantin Meunier for the National Gallery

October 24, 2010 by  
Filed under Sculpture

BERLIN.- An important bronze sculpture in the history of European modern art has been successfully reacquired on behalf of the National Museum’s National Gallery, thanks to support from the Kulturstiftung der Länder (a nationwide cultural foundation) and the Hermann Reemtsma Foundation. The Museum Island’s colonnade courtyard, officially opened in June 2010, now boasts another impressive sculpture – Constantin Meunier’s ‘The Sower’ from 1896. Many Berliners will already be familiar with the figure, as for a long while it stood beneath [...]

First Exhibition Devoted to Wyndham Lewis Opens in Spain

February 5, 2010 by  
Filed under Art Events & Exhibitions, Featured

MADRID.- Wyndham Lewis could be described as a “single-handed avant-garde movement”. An accomplished artist, Lewis founded Vorticism, the only English avant-garde movement, and was the author of more than 50 books. In addition he issued manifestoes, edited and published journals and was responsible for a fascinating and strikingly varied body of work that runs from his vorticist, Cubo-futurist and abstract compositions to his most refined portraits. Surprisingly, however, “the most fascinating personality of our time”, as T. S. Eliot wrote [...]